Monday, June 1, 2009

First Post

I decided to create a blog after my sister did for her pilgrimage in France/Spain. I was reading up on her latest entry when I realized we are both setting out on journeys. She is traveling by foot from one country to another in Europe while I am starting my interest in costuming. I really should have started this in March during my costuming class because there would be pages and pages of ranting and raving about my professor, classmates, assignments and evil fabric but as that was a very evil time, I will keep that to myself and start now as I embark on this costuming journey on my own. With a few best friends who actually know what they are doing, I will be able to reach the ultimate goal; attend the historical costuming program in Dalhousie with my BFF for the September 2010 term.

So here I go! To cosplaying, Arnold (my sewing machine), and Nicole who will be embarking on this journey with me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All packed up and ready to embark!
